Upcoming Scientific Workshops
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The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics is pleased to announce the latest issue of SCGP News, a biannual publication which reflects the Center’s mission, scientific activities and cultural events.
工信部回应“整顿翻墙软件”:合法经营不受影响 ...- 新京报网:2021-7-25 · 新京报网伍文字、图片、视频等全媒体形式,为用户提供全天候热点新闻,涵盖突发新闻、时事、财经、娱乐、体育,伍及评论、杂志和博客等,新 ...
By Luis Álvarez-Gaumé Manjul Bhargava. Photo: Joshua Klein The Della Pietra Lecture Series commenced in 2011 with a generous donation from the Della Pietra families. The series aims to bring world-renowned scientists to the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics to enhance the intellectual activity of the Center and bring greater awareness of recent and […]
vpn被封翻墙党该何去何从?App Store连接不上如何解决?(图 ...:2021-1-29 · 前几天,据《环球时报》英文网报道中国已经开始屏蔽外国VPN服务,此消息也引起了国内“翻墙党”的一片震动。日前,工信部通信发展司司长闻库在接受采访时也被问到了这一问题,他回应称在中国发展互联网一定要按照中国的法律法规来进行,一些不良信息应该按照中国法律进行管理。
The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at Stony Brook University is pleased to share a new movie highlighting the Center’s research and faculty. Planned to be initially screened at the APS (American Physical Society) 2023 Conference, it will be aired at the APS Conference in 2021. Watch the film here: Directed, produced and […]
Zohar Komargodski, physicist, is a permanent faculty member at SCGP. Mark Mezei, physicist, is the inaugural research associate professor at SCGP. All previous postdoctoral positions at SCGP have been research assistant professors. To watch the video, please visit: An excerpt, as published in SCGP News Vol XIV, can be found below: Mark Mezei. Photo: […]
Dear all, If you have been following the announcements issued by the University, we cannot continue with business as usual at the Center. As such, we will be following the guidelines below: 1.The building has been closed to those without key card access. If you have key card access to the Center, you may come […]
At this time we are postponing and rescheduling the following events: Workshops: Recent developments in Lagrangian Floer theory: March 16-20, 2023 Lighting new Lampposts for Dark Matter and Beyond the Standard Model: March 30 – April 3, 2023. Floer homology in low-dimensional topology: April 6-10, 2023 New directions in topological phases: from fractons to spatial […]
工信部回应“整顿翻墙软件”:合法经营不受影响 ...- 新京报网:2021-7-25 · 新京报网伍文字、图片、视频等全媒体形式,为用户提供全天候热点新闻,涵盖突发新闻、时事、财经、娱乐、体育,伍及评论、杂志和博客等,新 ...
Update 4/24/2023 – A virtual reading of the winning plays will take place on Monday May 11 at 7:00pm via createtheater.comA special thanks to Director, Steve Marsh, and the Create Theater community, who helped to make this possible. Watch the ZOOM video recording here: *Some plays contain some strong language The Simons Center for […]
The mission of the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics is to further fundamental research in geometry and theoretical physics, specifically at the interface of these two fields. The Center supports collaborative research at the frontiers of mathematics and physics, and is committed to sharing this knowledge with the broader community. As government funding for […]